Challenge Details
Tracking Number



ENERGYWERX / Department of Energy

Start Date

Apr 10, 2024

End Date

May 9, 2024
Current Status




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i2X Innovative Queue Management Solutions (iQMS) for Clean Energy Interconnection and Energization Partnership Intermediary Agreement
Challenge Summary
The Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange program (i2X) was launched by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in 2022 to enable simpler, faster, and fairer interconnection of clean energy resources to the distribution and transmission grids. i2X in partnership with the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation is looking to collaborate with distribution utilities to facilitate the rapid piloting and demonstration of new or innovative interconnection queue management solutions for generators, energy storage, and service load requests for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. To inform that effort, DOE and the Joint Office are seeking feedback through the following challenge statements before May 2, 2024.
Challenge Information

Participants are requested to respond via this Wufoo form: i2x Challenge Summary (Need an account to access the Survey)

DOE and the Joint Office are looking for feedback from distribution utilities to gauge the interest in, need for, and feasibility for the proposed activities described below. Respondents should select a scaled value and/or provide a brief written response to the following statements:

·    Distribution utilities need to evaluate, test, and pilot new or innovative interconnection queue management solutions and techniques to meet increased demand for integrating mid- to large-scale generation and storage (100 kW or more) into their grid networks.

·    Distribution utilities need to evaluate new or innovative service load request and energization queue management solutions and techniques to meet increased demand for integrating high-powered (100 kW or more) EV charging infrastructure into their grid networks.     

·    The example solutions and techniques identified in the Details section below would, if implemented, reduce generator interconnection and EV charging infrastructure service load request and/or energization queue times, and better equip states, utilities, and local governments to meet decarbonization goals.  

·    Distribution utilities are interested in evaluating and testing new interconnection queue management solutions and techniques to address demand for mid- to large-scale generation and storage, or EV charging infrastructure, other than the examples listed below. Please identify those solutions with a short description, if possible. 

·    Which of the identified areas of interest are distribution utilities interested in partnering with DOE and the Joint Office in order to conduct pilots of innovative queue management techniques and solutions?

·    The proposed 3-phase (Prepare, Test, Pilot) down-select approach is feasible for distribution utilities and suitable for meeting the stated goals. 

·    The allocated funding for the scope of each phase is sufficient.

·    The time duration for each phase (ranging from six to nine months) is sufficient.

·    If you have suggestions for improving this approach or implementing a different approach for collaborating with DOE and the Joint Office on implementing queue management solutions, please describe them.?

·    My organization would be interested in participating in this opportunity. 




DOE and the Joint Office are looking to collaborate with distribution utilities to facilitate the rapid piloting and demonstration of new or innovative interconnection queue management solutions for generators and service load requests for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. Examples of these solutions include:

·    Automated utility service requests

·    Flexible utility service request strategies

·    Locational clustering for engineering studies related to service requests

·    Use of load control management systems technology

·    Automated interconnection studies

·    Flexible interconnection strategies

·    Locational clustering

·    Automated hosting capacity services


This program will be conducted in three phases: Prepare, Test, and Pilot.  Distribution utilities propose solutions for interconnection queue management, EV service load request and energization queue management, or both.  

Phased Approach:

  1. Phase 1 - Prepare: At least 20 utilities, each awarded about $50,000, demonstrate that they have the capability to implement new queue management optimization software (e.g., staff with the relevant expertise)
  2. Phase 2 - Test: The 12 best performing phase 1 participant utilities will each be awarded about $150,000 to test their selected tools via analysis of previously proposed clean energy projects.
  3. Phase 3 - Pilot: The 8 best performing Phase 2 participant utilities will each be awarded about $400,000 to pilot new capabilities using real-time active mid- to large-scale clean energy interconnection projects

After each phase, the best performing partner utilities, based on predetermined evaluation criteria, will be selected to advance to the next phase, with five utilities advancing through all three phases. The pilots will help utilities and regulators understand the real-world capabilities of these new solutions and strategies and provide the information needed to fully adopt them .   

For more information about this opportunity, please visit: Click Here
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