Challenge Summary
In August 2023, the Department of Energy (DOE) launched the Renewable Energy Siting through Technical Engagement and Planning (R-STEP) program to expand the decision-making capacity and expertise of state and local governments around large-scale renewable energy planning, siting, and permitting. The R-STEP program is now accepting applications for the creation of new, or the expansion of existing, state-based programs or initiatives that improve renewable energy siting processes at the state and local levels.
The R-STEP program is managed by ENERGYWERX in partnership with DOE, a collaboration made possible through an innovative Partnership Intermediary Agreement set up by the DOE's Office of Technology Transitions. This agreement enables ENERGYWERX to broaden DOE’s engagement with innovative organizations and non-traditional partners, facilitating the rapid development, scaling, and deployment of clean energy solutions. ENERGYWERX is facilitating this Assessment Event (AE) to identify Collaboratives to expand state and local capacity on large-scale renewable energy siting and planning.
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